A Stressful Start

01 Sep 2017

During the summer, I wanted to create my own website, so I started learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript. So, my only reason for learning Javascript is very common, to add interactions and features in a web page. I used W3Schools’s Javascript tutorial to learn Javascript, it was good and starts from the very basics. While reading through the tutorials, I found it to be very similar to other programming languages like Java/C++. There are differences, I like how simple it is to use Javascript, while other languages have a lot of strict rules for syntax and function. But that is a double edged sword, it means you have to more careful and pay attention to what you write.

With my prior experience, the Javascript exercises in FreeCodeCamp was mostly review, but I did learn some new things from it. I learned the most from the Airbnb Javascript Style Guide, where it gives advises on using better syntax, like using “const” and “let” instead of “var”. I honestly like Javascript after learning it, the syntax is nice and clear, and it has many similar features that other languages have. I will consider Javascript to be a good programming language for the above reasons, and also it is easy and do what you want in a browser. It may not be as complex as other languages, but it has what you need.

When I first hear about athletic software engineering, I was nervous. But when I start doing the practice WODs, it doesn’t feel as bad, it trains you into a state where you have to be very clear about what you want to do and how you want to do. The first time was a little bit difficult because I worried too much about the time and my brain just didn’t have enough resources to work on the problem, but then I realize the time is enough to do the problem. I just have to start writing something and just focus on the problem and nothing else.

This class has the flip class style, where students do preparation on their own time, and then talk about problems and do them in class. When you look at the schedule, something is due almost everything day, even on the weekend. It is a very stressful environment, but on the other side, it means I get to learn more and value for my bucks. It is hard to stay on track in the beginning, but I will start getting used to this.